This just released from OCLC WorldCat
"We’ve just incorporated WorldCat Identities into navigation proper, rather than having to satellite out to a listing and then find your own way back. You can get to a WorldCat Identities page from the “Find more information about” drop-down in the Details section of a detailed record:
WorldCat Identities is one of those fun things we like to play around with, here at OCLC. It showcases things you don’t find many other places–like you can see the most widely held works by a writer, or how one fictional character is related to another one, or get a visual for publication timelines, or audience recommendation levels, or, or, or…there’s a lot of good stuff there."
It took me a few tries to find this info, but it really is cool. Do title search for a book by an author you want to find more about (doesn't seem to work for films and articles) on advanced search. Drag down on the page past the libraries that hold the item to the "Details" section and "Find more information about" and click GO.
Much info on your author: most popular titles(library holdings and number of editions); most popular books about; languages; related people; a related items cloud, and several bookcovers.
I love WorldCat and Google Books and Google Scholar--long may they be free! (Keep your fingers crossed about this--most anything of value is ripe for a price tag these days.)js