Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Beloit College Mindset List

Every year Beloit (Wisconsin) College puts out a list of of things that they say have shaped the lives of the new Freshman Class, the Class of 2010. It's always fun to read and in many ways an eye-opener for us oldies, but if you think that all Freshman have the same experiences growing up, I think you are more than a bit naive. How many of our Freshmen are 18-year-olds who come from upper-middle class homes with ubiquitous computing gear, watch Law and Order, and prefer text messaging to talking on the phone. But try it--it might make you feel happier that you are older than 18! Drag down on this webpage to find this year's list.

There's a new Chronicle of Higher Education article that disputes many of the items on the list, but you probably need to get it through Lexis [News Category>University News] or at the Library if you don't have a subscription.
23 Aug. 2006. "Annual Mindset List."

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